How to Reduce Kid’s Screen Time

As we all know today kids are using Mobile phones, Laptops, and TV like they have nothing else to do. Every kid loves to use gadgets it is good to use but using much can harm. And some kids use mobiles the whole day and it is their parent’s responsibility to reduce kid’s screen time.

Here are some tips that can help you as a parent to reduce your kid’s screen time

Everyone wants their kids to grow up happy, healthy, and active. When it comes to getting kids off their screens and playing outdoor games it’s difficult for many parents. So how can we keep our children away from mobiles? You can do many things such as –

How to Reduce Kids Screen Time

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  1. Find other ways to have fun

If a child has nothing to do they usually use the mobile phone so if your kid says that you just have to find some other ways for your child to have fun like start some activities painting, and some games. You can give them some art and craft tasks And play with them so that they don’t feel lonely.

How to Reduce Kids Screen Time

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  1. Set the example

Children are very innocents they always learn from their parents so if you use a mobile phone in front of your child it would make a wrong impression on them. You have to set an example for them so that they can learn from you.

  1. Spend some quality time outside together

Using mobile phones and electronic game is good for a child’s brain but it can also harm the eye sites of your child. Spending time outdoor with parents and nature will provide them peace and they will feel fresh and healthy. Make a habit of daily going outside with your child and talking and playing with them.

How to Reduce kids Screen Time

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  1. Make Habit of Reading

It is not necessary for you to make all activities with your child outdoor. Give your child a list of interesting books to read new stories and learn good things from them. Everyone knows the benefits of reading. So every parent should teach their child to read.

How To Reduce Kids Screen Time

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  1. Plan some Road Trips

Every weekend or on holidays you can plan some road trips with your child. There are a lot of activities you can do with your kid on a road trip. Kids enjoyed road trips and will avoid screens during road trips.

  1. Keep Mobiles Out of Bedroom

Limiting your child’s screen time would help you to reduce their screen time. It doesn’t mean you have to ban mobile phones for your kids but they should be used under limits. Before going to bed it is important for you, to make sure your child doesn’t use their mobile. Remember to have all electronic devices away at least two hours before bedtime.

How to Reduce Kids Screen Time

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  1. Make a Routine

So making a routine for your child is very important. You have to make a timetable for them and make sure they follow it. And make sure don’t be strict all time the time table should be flexible you can change it any time for your child. Save the morning hours for some activities and when it comes to using mobile the afternoon hours are the best. Also, make sure that the screen time of your child comes in short intervals don’t give them mobile for hours.


These are some tips that may help you to reduce your child’s screen time.

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